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Love & Propaganda

I am a person that loves to feel love. I am authentic and passionate when it comes to love, and love to take care of the people that I care about most. I also love that euphoric feeling of being in love with someone, honestly it doesn't get much better than that feeling. Like that giddy feeling you get when you think of someone and it brings an instant smile to your face. I'm talking about real love though. I'm not talking about the commercial love that people buy into because of holidays like Valentine's Day, and not the fake love that people have to boast about on Facebook, Instagram, and other Social Media to make other people jealous and to make themselves feel better. Real love doesn't have to be in your face, it doesn't have to be all hearts and roses and such. Real love doesn't need all the hoopla and gimmicks, because it is perfect without them.

People always think that I am negative and a hater on Valentine's day, but honestly, it is one holiday that I can never get behind. I know generally, girls are supposed to be all about wanting flowers, candy, jewelry and romantic gifts and grand gestures, but I've never been that way. No matter what my relationship status has been on this day, I've never been into it. It's not because I don't like those things, but why do people have to be told to buy gifts and go to dinner with their love on a certain day? I love buying people that I care about gifts and doing thoughtful things for them everyday or on random days. Isn't it nicer to receive a personal, and thoughtful token, gift, or a note on a day when you least expect it, out of the blue? To me, that is far more romantic than getting roses or candy on the same day as everyone else. Wouldn't it make you feel more special to just be with your love one day and they surprise you with some of your favorite treats or something small that has significance to your personal relationship rather than a cookie-cutter card and some generic flowers? It means so much to me when people remember the little things and the unique, personal details about you as an individual and make an effort to make you happy. To me that's what love is all about, not about the commercial aspect. I mean, who needs a giant stuffed teddy bear holding a balloon that says "I Love You Beary Much" and a box of chocolates or some extravagant piece of jewelry that you'll only wear once or twice? Not me.

It's not just Valentine's Day though, I have the same problem with other exclusive holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day. I know many people will disagree with me, and that's okay. I just feel that I don't need a day for my family to tell me that they appreciate me, I know that they do. I always tell my family that I don't want any gifts or anything special on Mother's Day, that instead they can just try to be well-behaved and listen more on a daily basis. What's funny, is that my mom used to always say the same thing to us growing up, but I really do feel this way. These types of holidays, "Hallmark Holidays" , are just simply retail fueled holidays and yet people partake just because it is customary and they feel that they have to. I am not negative about love or appreciation of our parents, I just don't get wrapped up in all that hype and propaganda.

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